Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Last day in Africa is tomorrow

Today we had multiple cases:  a rectovaginal malformation repair, a cleft lip repair, a urethral stricture dilatation, and a circumcision.  The latter is important in Africa because the foreskin of the penis is particularly susceptible to infection by HIV.  So we can prevent many cases of AIDS by circumcising male babies.  The risks of circumcision probably don't outweigh the benefits in the developed world, though.  Lots of surgical variety today.  One surgeon in the USA would almost never have such a varied case load as the AIC docs had today.  We were in the hospital till almost six so didn't do much outside of it.

Tomorrow we have a couple of urology cases, then we leave Africa.  Our flight is at 11:30 pm or so Nairobi time, but we will start driving to the airport at 5 pm because who can predict Nairobi traffic or how the airport will go.  It should only take an hour to drive from Kijabe to the airport, though.

Our flight out of Africa is to London.  It will be dark so I guess I won't be able to spot the pyramids on the way out.  Unless I can convince American Airlines to let me stay in London for a few days, we will both connect to Chicago, and I will be taking the mega-bus home to Indy.  Priority number one is a really big salad and a juicy burger.  Priority number 2 is to shave, which I haven't done in almost three weeks.

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