Thursday, May 05, 2011

End of trip log

Our friend Philip drove us to the airport from Kijabe to Nairobi.  Along the way we stopped at an authentic American restaurant in Nairobi.  I let Philip try my chocolate milk shake - he had never had one before.  His reaction was absolute gold.  I wish I had it on video.  It apparently was the most amazing thing he had ever had.

Another interesting thing on our way out:  massive fuel shortages.  Huge lines for petrol; luckily Philip had filled his tank the night before.  Rising gas prices cause a general price inflation for all Kenyans as the cost of everything (food, necessities) goes up bc of fuel increases.  The government decided it was going to hold the price of fuel down to prevent the inflation.  Obviously, shortages result every time when the gov tries to impose on the market like that.  This sort of thing happens in Venezuela under Chavez all the time.

Another interesting fact about Nairobi:  the air is awful, the cars lack catalytic converters, dust is everywhere.  BUT, they passed a smoking ban.  And Indianapolis still doesn't have one.  Congratulations Indianapolis, your public health policies are even backward by third world standards.

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