Sunday, February 26, 2012


First leg of the trip was a 16 hour flight from JFK to Hong Kong, and then a short 3.5 hour flight from Hong Kong to Sinagpore. I landed in Singapore at 1 am or so Singapore time. Given that 1 am would be mid-afternoon back home, my plan was to not to bother arranging a place to stay the night of my arrival. What would the point be? I'd get to the hostel/hotel at 2 am at the earliest and then probably not be able to sleep anyways (because my body would think it was mid-afternoon).

This logic seemed sound when I was thinking about it a few weeks ago but I didn't anticipate that I would be fairly tired after my travels and also I should have considered that, on a Sunday night, not a ton would be going on. After landing I'm sort of brainstorming about what kind of place will be open and happening at 1 am on a Sunday night. Something to entertain me until morning. Hmmmm.


So my trip started with me playing craps for 6 hours or so while I waited for some daylight to appear. I won a little bit, but I made the other people at my table a TON of money. Since I was just trying to make my money last through the night (which I did successfully), I wasn't placing the big bets that in hindsight would have paid off because I was rolling well. I had to have made the guy to my left a thousand dollars. Oh well. Any time one spends 6 hours in a casino and walks with 10 dollars profit thats a big win.

Once dawn broke I headed to the hostel; I still got there much earlier than my check-in time, though. The owner was barely awake but she was nice enough to let me drop off my bag - but I couldn't stay until my official check in time. So I dropped off my bag and have been wandering aimlessly through the city for the last several hours. Which is good I guess, but I'm pretty tired at this point. I think a nap is in order.

Colonial-style is pretty common in Sinagpore.

We flew over the North Pole. Sweet.

Getting closer to Siberia. Please please please don't exile me here, Comrade Stalin.

My hostel is in Chinatown.

More colonial style.

Random shot of city.

George Orwell called and he wants his ministry name back.

Catholic Church (it looked neater in person, looks bland in photo).


1 comment:

julie said...
